Privacy Policy

Moza Banco S.A. is concerned about the privacy of its Customers ' data. As consequence, the Bank does not disclose any information from its Customers to any external entity either for commercial or any other purpose unless such information is required by law.
- Protection of Personnel Data
Moza Banco, S.A privacy's policies are based on the principles of transparency and respect to its Customers by ensuring protection of their Customers' privacy. Thus:
- The data collected are, pursuant to article 48 of Law 15/99 of 01 November, subject to the bank's secrecy;
- Any information provided by the Customers will be safe according to the Bank's security and confidentiality standards;
- The information provided to the Bank by the Customers will be kept safe and undisclosed to any third-parties;
- Organizations providing support services under outsource agreements must comply with the bank's privacy standards.
The authorized holders are granted rights to access, rectify or update data under the law prior to a written document addressed to Moza or directly on the website at ( except for data that under the law requires prior submission of proof.
The holder (s) declare (s) that the information provided is true, complete, accurate and up-to-date.
- Security
Moza Banco S.A., guarantees:
a) Data protection at both corporate and private levels;
b)Security in the Customers' access and transactions;
c) Moza will constantly assess security and privacy procedures available to Customers;
d) Unless Moza receives legal or judicial determination, Customers' data will never be disclosed to any third parties or be used for purposes other than those for which they were collected;
e) The access to the information provided by Customers is restricted to the authorized staff who need such information to carry out their activities.
- Recommendations
For your safety, we recommend you to protect your accesses by observing the following safety rules:
- Do not share your ID details, access and/or confirmation passwords with third parties;
- Do not access Website on platforms or devices you are not familiar with;
- Make sure that your computer is protected (with active and update software, anti-virus and firewalls, equipped with antispyware programs, among others);
- Change your password periodically;
- Report immediately to the Moza Banco Call Centre (82 20 20/84 20 20 20/+ 258 21 342020 – International) any unusual running of the Website or requests of data;
- Make sure that the safety padlocks are in place;
- Make sure you close your session before you leave the Web page.
For any transactions through the website, Moza assumes that the data was entered by the authorized holders; however, declining any liabilities that may arise from misuse, without security or negligent by the holders.
- Changes in the Privacy policy
The privacy policies set forth herein are subject to changes, at any time, usage of new technologies or whenever Moza deems necessary.