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financial education programme

Moza Banco recognises the importance of education and financial literacy for the effective financial inclusion of Mozambicans. With this in mind, it regularly promotes initiatives in this area, using a variety of media and endeavouring to reach numerous public profiles. It is within this vision that the Bank conceived and has been implementing the financial education radio programme called "Count on Moza" (Conta com o Moza) since 2023.
This is a radio programme in which concepts, best practices, safety tips and other useful information related to financial services and personal finance management are broadcast in local languages.
This programme is aimed primarily at people in rural areas, including farmers, small traders, civil servants and state agents, students and low-income women. In its first edition, it covered (5) districts where the Bank has set up bank branches, opened under the government's "One District, One Bank" initiative.
The Bank's strategy of using the languages in which people communicate best, easily understandable language, as well as an inclusive and mass medium - radio - combined with the inclusion of a gender-sensitive approach, demonstrates its commitment to inclusion, particularly of low-income groups in areas furthest from the main urban centres, living up to its positioning as a Mozambican bank of all and for all.
Count on Moza reached more than 500,000 people in 2023.
Driven by the success of the inaugural edition and, above all, by a desire to reach more and more people, this year the programme is back on air in five further districts: Gondola, Machaze and Vanduzi in Manica, and Tsangano and Zumbo in Tete.
There will be 12 more editions a week that will be aired on Mondays at the time of the highest audience in the Districts covered, with repeats on Wednesdays.
With "Count on Moza" the people of the areas covered now have an important vehicle for raising their level of financial literacy, so that they can make responsible and conscious use of financial services and products, resulting in an improved quality of life and well-being.
Right from its inaugural edition, the programme received international recognition at the prestigious Lusophone Creativity Awards 2022-2023, where it won Bronze in the Branded Content on Radio category.
"Count on Moza" 2024 in numbers
- Languages used: 7
- Districts covered: 10
- Community radio stations involved: 10
- Participating listeners + 10,000
- People potentially impacted: + 1,000,000