Message from the CEO (Covid-19)

Dear Customer,
We live today a particularly critical and at the same time challenging moment, caused by the outbreak of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), with impact on our ways of life.
The rapid evolution of the new Coronavirus, at a global level, with greater incidence in more developed countries, should put us on alert and cautious, in order to mitigate the risk of contagion and spread.
I would therefore like to take this opportunity to assure you that Moza Banco, in its concern for the safety and well-being of all its Employees, Customers, partners and the Community in general, has been doing its part, closely monitoring the evolution of the situation and proactively implementing a set of measures in line with the WHO recommendations and the extraordinary measures decreed by the Government, among which I highlight the following:
Disclosure of information and preventive measures on COVID-19 to Employees, Customers, and the general public through the various channels available to the Bank;
Reinforcement of the cleaning and disinfection procedures of our facilities, Branches, ATM's and Kiosks;
Availability of disinfection and sanitization material in all our branches;
Determination of the mandatory use of protective masks by all employees in customer service, and gloves for handling money.
Limitation of the number of Customers inside the BUs, simultaneously, to a maximum of 4.
Despite this scenario characterized by some restrictions, I would like to reaffirm that all our branches are still open and operating at the usual hours. However, our appeal is that you privilege the use of digital media (Moza Net; Moza Mobile and Moza Já-USSD) or telephone to carry out day-to-day banking operations or to talk to your Account Manager. If you have not yet joined Moza Banco's Digital Channels, you can do so, simply, quickly and free of charge at any Moza branch.
When you cannot use the mentioned digital channels, use the ATMs or Digital Kiosks. Remember that the use of these Channels must be followed by hand hygiene and disinfection.
Only use the branches in case of absolute necessity; and avoid as much as possible the handling of money by preferring card payments.
However, I would like to alert you to the fact that the possible intensification of the use of digital channels may increase exposure to fraud, and therefore online security mechanisms should be strengthened.
To keep you informed, we have made available on our website ( a set of useful information about this pandemic.
Our call is that without panic or alarmism, we scrupulously comply with the guidelines and recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO).
I want to assure you that Moza Banco will continue to monitor developments, and will provide the latest updates through our usual channels of communication so that you are better prepared, safe and protected.
We remain committed to providing you with the best service while ensuring your safety and well-being.
Finally, I reiterate our commitment to continue to provide you with the latest updates on the phenomenon, whenever justified, and to adopt all preventive and safety measures for the well-being of all of us, families and society in general, because our greatest Value is Life!
Joao Figueiredo