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For security reasons we do not recommend the communication of any banking data via email or phone.
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TechnoServe is a global non-profit organisation focused on business solutions to poverty. Among the various programmes it has under implementation in the country, Women in business (WIN) stands out, which, as its name suggests, seeks to promote the economic empowerment of women through entrepreneurship.
Through the WIN program, TechnoServe is a partner of Moza Banco in the development of a financial literacy program broadcast on community radio stations called "Conta com o Moza" (Count on Moza). “Conta com o Moza” is broadcast in local languages and its main aim is to accelerate the process of financial inclusion of Mozambicans, through a focus on financial literacy, so that beneficiaries can join and make responsible and conscious use of financial services and products, resulting in improved quality of life and well-being.
In the first phase, the partnership with WIN allowed baseline studies to be conducted to ascertain the real barriers these communities face in accessing banks, their financial management habits, and their needs and expectations, in order to build an impactful, truly comprehensive and inclusive programme that was in line with the audience's profile. The partnership has also been fundamental in incorporating aspects that contribute to the promotion of gender equality in the programme, as well as in the monitoring process, providing insights leading to improvements needed to ensure the success of "Conta com o Moza".