Awarded more users of “Moza Já USSD” services

The winners of the second phase of the "Moza Já - USSD" prize draw, a Moza Banco initiative, aimed at encouraging the digitization of banking systems, for the transactions made through mobile phone and other digital platforms are already known.

In this second phase, the winners of "Moza Já USSD'' prize's draw are LEOVIGILDO FAÍTE, MÁRIO DOMINGOS and OLINDA CUAMBE, monetarily awarded by Moza with twenty thousand meticais, fifteen thousand meticais and ten thousand meticais, for the first, second and third places, respectively.

It worth mentioning that the Moza Já Service Use Campaign was launched on October 3, 2019 and it’s going to las 3 months rewarding a total of 9 (nine) Customers with cash in 3 cycles of prize's draw. Be advised that the "Moza Já - USSD" prize’s draw is valid for all Moza’s Private Customers that joined the Moza Já Service (USSD channel, accessible through *247#).


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