Chigubo already has Moza Banco’s services

Moza Banco opened today its branch in Chigubo, by the way, the first bank branch the district located in the north of Gaza Province. It is expected that this branch will serve approximately 20,000 locals; therefore, alleviating the suffering of the general population, including small traders, public employees and state agents, who had to travel long distances, incurring risks either on their way to the banks from the villages or vice-versa.

The opening of this branch is part of the presidential initiative "One District One Bank", which aims to increase the expansion of the banking network in the country, providing all districts with a financial institution where locals can find financial solutions that are appropriate to their specific needs.

Thus, Moza Banco is in line with the local and sustainable development of communities, promoting the financial inclusion and banking of the economy through the expansion of its activity to the Districts. Also within the scope of this initiative, it is planned to open 2 more branches in the districts of Guijá and Chibuto, also in Gaza Province.

With the entry into operation of these branches, the number of Moza's Business Units rises to 66, reinforcing the Bank's position as the 3rd largest branch network in the country.


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