Filipe Nyusi inaugurates Moza Banco branch in Zumbu district in Tete

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, inaugurated on Monday, August 2nd the first bank branch in Zumbu district, Tete province. The presence of Moza Banco in this district comes under the National Strategy of financial inclusion, through which the Mozambican government hopes to ensure that by 2022, over 30 percent of the population has access to a bank account in a formal financial institution, to cover 75 percent of districts across the country.

With the entry into operation of this new Business Unit, the population of Zumbu and its surrounding areas, as is the case of Mágoe and Marávia districts, now have a bank with financial solutions that meet their needs.

Following the unveiling of the plaque and having cut the ribbon, the Head of State addressed the population, stating that his government is committed to solving the population's problems, giving as an example, the set of amenities that the Moza Banco branch just inaugurated, holds for public servants, traders and for the population in general.

"We are convinced that at this branch of Moza Banco that we have just inaugurated, all residents of Zumbu and surrounding areas such as Maravia and Mágoe, will be able to carry out their financial transactions with greater security. Aside from ensuring the channelling of salaries to employees and workers, this Moza Banco branch, as in any other part of the country where it operates, will present diversified financial products and services to better serve Zumbu's market segments, namely, families, public servants, small, medium and large companies, as well as public and private institutions," the President, Filipe Nyusi, said.

During his speech, the CEO of Moza Banco, said that by embracing the "One District, One Bank" initiative, Moza is aligned to its commitment to promoting greater financial inclusion and banking within the Mozambican economy, given that, “Moza believes that the provision of financial services will boost the local development of communities in a sustainable way”, Manuel Soares, CEO of Moza said.

Following this opening, Moza will have a total of 71 Business Units, reinforcing its status as the bank with the 3rd largest branch network in the country.

In addition to inaugurating the bank branch, Filipe Nyusi also delivered several prevention materials against Covid-19, agricultural and fishing inputs to the three aforementioned districts, as part of the Social Responsibility policy in place at Moza Banco, which envisages the implementation of actions that promote development and well-being in the communities where the bank has a commercial presence.



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