Flood victims in Boane count on Moza

As part of the solidarity campaign “Juntos por Boane” ("Together for Boane"), last Saturday 25th February, Moza Banco proceeded to deliver the donations it had collected internally to support the victims of the floods that devastated Maputo province, with their epicentre in Boane. 

The donations were mainly made up of clothes, food and personal hygiene products given by the Bank's employees, who spared no effort to alleviate the suffering of fellow citizens from Boane.

Besides the donations from the employees, the Bank also contributed with the amount of 100,000 MZN (one hundred thousand meticais) to bolster this support.

The Moza convoy, consisting of volunteers from the Bank left Head Office punctually at 9am, heading to Boane, being received there by the Coordinator of the Reception Centre at Boane Sede Primary School, who showed deep appreciation for the solidarity gesture from Moza.

With this noble gesture, we express Moza’s values to the community of Boane and to our country.

It should be noted that also as part of the support for the victims of the floods in Maputo province, the Bank gave monetary amounts to two social organisations that carried out campaigns to collect donations for the flood victims, namely AMEEM (Muslim Association of Mozambican Businesspersons and Entrepreneurs) and the Comunidade Mahometana (Mahometan Community).


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