Inauguration Event of Mozabanco Headquarter Ceo Speach Dr. João Figueiredo

Your Excellency, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of the Republic of Mozambique,
Honourable Members of the Government,
The Honourable Governor of Maputo city
Honourable President of Maputo city Municipality
Distinct representatives from the Diplomatic Corps,
Honourable Governor of the Bank of Mozambique
Dear members of the Board of Directors and Social Boards of Moza,
Dear customers,
Honoured guests,
Ladies and Gentleman,
It is with high honour and pleasures that I great and welcome you all to this important and historic opening event of the new Headquarters of Moza Banco.
First of all liked to express my esteem and gratitude to His Excellency, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of the Republic, for his presence that greatly honours us and dignifies this event. Thanks are extensive to all who have accepted our invitation, to be with us on this special day for our institution.
Ladies and Gentleman,
Today, 13 of June of 2019 is a day that will be permanently registered in the history of Moza as the date of the inauguration event of our new headquarters, which represents an undeniable and decisive milestone for the institutional reinforcement of the Bank.
After the intervention of the Bank of Mozambique at Moza Banco at the end of 2016, and of a set of subsequent actions undertaken in order to diagnose, recover and enable this financial institution, Moza Banco assumes today, with this Act, its positioning in the future with a safe, consistent and unshakable determination..
We have tried to get rid of a past that has negatively marked this institution, but the truth is that the load of the inheritance accompanies us in the day-to-day and we have to live with this reality. Nonetheless, our great challenge is to build today a sound basis so that we can aim for a smiling tomorrow at the service of the national economy and that we do it in a transparent, consistent and with non-accounting artifices that will lead the Institution to a similar situation it faced in the recent past.
We intend to establish ourselves, as a national reference bank, a bank with growth ambition, but at the same time, a solid bank, up to the challenges of the present and the future.
As it is broadly known, after the diagnosis we made, advised by an entity of international credibility and independent, the solution either at the level of financial sanitation or management was of single and exclusively national base, which makes us proud because it is time to say that we, Mozambicans, are also capable and we have solutions to our own problems.
We are indeed a truly national bank.
AND national, not just because, actually,we are the sole commercial bank of capital held mostly by national shareholders, but also and above all because we are available and motivated to read and interpret the real needs of the economy, companies, entrepreneurs and national citizens, developing solutions that match their needs.
- A Bank with a touch of class and innovation, as the proof of the digital branch that certainly you had the opportunity to visit;
- A Bank committed to the rigor and quality and, aligned with the best international practices regarding the fight against fraud, and the adoption of Compliance and ALM policies;
- A Bank, still committed to providing the best working conditions for its staff, creating an environment that promotes well-being and encourages its creativity and innovation.
A happy coincidence is the fact that this inaugural act happens on the day preceding the celebration of the 11th anniversary of our young institution, so this building can be seen as an early gift to our employees, customers and all those who relate to Moza.
Moza started its activities in 2008 and its first social headquarters at the beginning was a house, located at Sommerschield quarter, here in the city of Maputo. At that time, Moza had only 16 banking officers. Today we are 750.
Since then, the Bank has been evolving in its activity with a consequent growth and expansion national-wide, with a significant increase of employees and, as it is normal, the need to strengthen the areas of central services of business support.
Thus, the Bank grew with occupation of spaces, although growing in a somewhat articulated and functional way in organizational terms, because despite having established its headquarters in a space of a Hotel in the city would eventually disperse by 5 different buildings its central services.
As we can see, this dispersion did not match with a much less recommended organizational environment with the basic standards of a financial institution with the ambition that marked the bank itself.
It was in this way that in 2018 we decided to transfer to the building where we met, this headquarters that we open today, whose gradual occupation began in September last year.
This new building, thus, has a set of specific characteristics which are not comparable to the previous Headquarter, namely:
- This is a building for the exclusive use of the bank, with all the advantages associated with this condition, for example the treatment of the image and the safety itself, where we seek to give a touch of modernity and innovation as proves the space for the " Digital Branch "; and that translates our commitment to technology and innovation;
- We create adequate and exclusive spaces for reception of Clients and Visitors, and it is important to highlight the existence of an Auditorium with capacity for more than 100 people;
- We set spaces for social areas such as cafeteria, medical centre, notary, trade union committee, Moza Club, among others;
- And we think about the future, ensuring available areas for potential growth of our needs.
This modern and amaze building consists of 14 floors, occupying a gross area of 6,880m2, plus an area for shops, with about (702,60m2). It hosts all of the Bank's 19 core business units, which in total comprise 504 employees, including 87 Employees from BTM's Central Services that will be integrated into the merger process.
Ladies and Gentleman,
This event happens three years later after we had faced a difficult period, marked by the severe marked deterioration of the financial and prudential indicators that led the Bank of Mozambique to intervene in our institution
It was a complex but unavoidable process to save the Institution.
The institution’s survival was at stake. The Bank of Mozambique had no choice, but to intervene. It should be said that in due course, since the diagnosis then made and the subsequent actions would prove to be vital not only for the survival of the institution but also for a more extensive assessment of the safeguarding and protection of the Financial System in particular and the national economy in general.
As a result of this process, our shareholder structure reconfigured with the entry of a new benchmark shareholder, the Kuhanha, which culminated in the planned capital increases, which make Moza today a solid Bank, compliant with regulatory ratios, and a clear evidence of recovery of its main profitability indicators.
All this, i repeat, within the scope of a National solution.
Above all, I must underline a bank that has regained the trust of the market and its customers.
Today, we are a renewed Bank.
In 2018, despite the difficult economic environment, contraction that affected the business sector as well as the savings and consumption capacity of families, we continued the growth trajectory resumed in 2017 as a result of the intense work carried-out with clients and the market.
And although we still had a negative result last year, the truth is that it has registered a positive evolution of about 47% when compared to the same period in 2017.
We are on the right track.
Of course, a Bank of our size, and with the deep restructuring just suffered, does not recover from day to night. We have witnessed many similar cases at the international level, and it is well demonstrated in all cases that there is a need for a reasonable period of maturing after the necessary improvements. In our case, Moza is already going through this route, but we are doing it in a consistent solid way.
As a result of this strategy,
- In 2018, our loan portfolio has grown by about 20%, and our deposits in about 39%. It is another demonstration of trust that the market has for this institution.
- Associated with this evolution, is also the opening of two more branches, (totalling 55);
- It is also the growth of the number of customers (in 2018 we grew by 16% the number of customers) and, no less important we recorded an excellent evolution of transactions in the direct and self-banking channels.
We have, thus, achieved an excellent 2018, with a solvency ratio of 21.70%, well above the required regulatory limit, and still have an adequate creditability situation.
This extraordinary evolution of the indicators of the commercial activity that we have registered was recognized by KPMG in the context of the 20th edition of the 100 largest companies in Mozambique, in which Moza Banco was distinguished as the institution with Greater Variation in turnover in the sector of Financial and Insurance activities in 2017.
This award joins other distinctions in 2018, namely the Best innovation award in the Retail Banking and the best restructuring strategy, awarded by the "International Banker" and "Banker Africa", respectively, two renowned International specialty publications in the area of Banking and Finance.
This year, we have reissued the win for the Best Innovation award in retail banking, and as we will have the opportunity to testify, many more we will get from now on.
This is our determination, to do more and better and to trace the bank towards success.
It is in this context, still, that today; I am pleased to announce that we have here with us Mr. John Everington, Editor of the prestigious international publication in the area of banking and finance, the Banker Magazine of the Financial Times Group, to whom I would like to thank for his presence and welcome to our beautiful country.
John has a surprise for all of us and that within moments will announce. This is a distinction attributed to the Moza Bank, not at the level of the country but at the level of the entire African continent, and that he made a point of coming here personally to announce.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- In the aftermath of the acquisition of the totality of the share capital of Banco Terra Moçambique by Moza Banco in December last year, the Boards of Directors of both companies approved the merger between the two institutions. With this operation, which will naturally safeguard the superior interests of all stakeholders, it is intended to provide the institution resulting with greater capacity to serve the market in general, and the growing universe of its customers in particular.
- The merger by incorporation of the BTM by Moza Banco, will mark the beginning of a new phase for our two institutions, which become a combined, stronger and more balanced entity, leveraging the synergies and today, Moza has a solid shareholder structure, recently reinforced with the entry of an international investor, ARISE, which has invested in sustainable partnerships with financial entities in sub-Saharan Africa.
- We have a strong implementation in the national market, currently the 3rd largest distribution network consisting of more than 50 branches throughout the country.
- Under the initiative "a district a bank" launched by His Excellency, the President, in 2016 in the city of Maxixe, there are already four (4) branches of Moza operating in full, in the district of Chicualacuala, Gondola, Vanduzi and Murrupula, and we expect to be present up to 2020 in 20 more districts, namely, Quissanga, Mapai, Chigubo and Guijá, Ile, Chinde, Derre, Lugela and Mocubela; Majune, Chimbonila, Ngauma and Sanga); Liúpo, Memba and Nacarôa, Marínguè; Machaze Meculo and Tsangano.
- To these, and as a result of the on-going merger process with Banco Terra, we will add 10 more branches, totalling approximately 85 branches until the end of 2020.
- We praise this courageous action sponsored by MITADER in the context of the national Government's policy, which assumes the willingness of at least a bank operating in a district.
- This initiative, however, should, in our view, be complemented with a review of the legislation and regulations in force, so that the national process of promoting banking services already in place and does not hinder into norms designed in different contexts (particularly in contexts of other geographies whose social economic stage is quite different from ours) which constitute real obstacles to the national process of promoting banking services.
- Excellences, what i mean, indeed, is that the pressing and urgent need to study the best way to address the great objectives of international norms and policies without its strict application be a real obstacle to our process of promoting banking services.
For example, it is essential that we align the conduct of our activity with the major objectives of the international standards regarding anti-money laundering policies.
However, being this fundamental premise, it is, equally, indispensable and vital, that we harmonize these objectives with our national reality:
- Precarious houses, lack of ID, lack of income statement may not hinder the financial inclusion and be an obstacle to the national process of promoting banking services. We are, by this way, marginalizing many of our fellow citizens who live outside the big cities and that we have an obligation to bring them into the national financial system and provide them with normal access to the products and services of the Bank in general
Thus, this is a very meaningful call for the authorities to take care of this harmonisation, so that the investments that are being made in the districts will not be a waste and the country does not benefit from this excellent opportunity.
Excellency, President
Honourable guests,
Our growth is not just about the business. A final word to mention is that we have devoted great attention to implementation and support to various initiatives in the level of Social responsibility and corporate citizenship, reinforcing our position of Socially Responsible Bank establishing profitable partnerships with various social actors including governmental entities.
- Just to name a few, I highlight the collaboration with the Ministry of Health and other partners, in combating the scourge of malaria in the country, embracing the initiative "ZERO MALARIA, BEGINS WITH ME" that has indelibly the mark of His Excellency, President of the Republic of Mozambique, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, and where we are committed to through concerted and coordinated action, to help stop the spread of this disease, which is currently the leading cause of mortality in Mozambique.
- Likewise, let me underline the partnership with the ANAC and more specifically the Niassa National Reserve where we have been carrying out a campaign to raise awareness to the protection of biodiversity and much satisfies the fact that has now achieved stunning 1 year without slaughter of elephants by poachers in that which is the largest reserve in the country.
For Moza, there are reasons for optimism about the tomorrow's Mozambique and, in this context; we reiterate the positive perspectives regarding the country's growth capacity. With eyes placed in the future, we will be attentive to business opportunities that arise in the face of an increasingly competitive market.
To conclude, I would like, on behalf of the Board of Directors of Moza Banco, once again, thank His Excellency Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, for His honourable presence, and offer a special word of gratitude and appreciation to the shareholders who, recognizing the Valour of Moza Banco, have invested and ensured the necessary conditions for achieving the strategic objectives of our institution.
Thank you very much
Moza Banco S.A.