Moza and FFLC announce the winners of the Fernando Leite Couto Literary Prize 2021/2022

The Fernando Leite Couto Foundation and Moza Banco announced on Monday, the winners of the literary award that in this edition was dedicated to prose (novel, novella, short story and chronicles). These are the authors Maya Ângela Macuácua, author of a novel entitled “Diamantes pretos em meio a cristais” (“Black Diamonds amid Crystals”), and Geremias José Mendoso, with the collection of short stories “Quando os mochos piam” (“When the owls hoot“).
Both winners were chosen ahead of candidates such as: Fernanda Vitorino do Rosário Mualeia João, with the novel "Amor em tempos incertos" (“Love in uncertain times”); Wasquete Jasse Fernando, with the novel "Noites de desassossego" (“Restless nights”) and Adelino Albano Luís, with the short story book "Estórias trazidas pela ventania" (Stories brought by the wind”), who were the remaining three finalists of the Fernando Leite Couto Literary Prize.
The jury, composed of Conceição Siopa, Conceição Ciueia, Albino Macuácua and José dos Remédios under the leadership of the author Francisco Noa, decided to attribute the prize to the aforementioned authors as “besides having fulfilled the defined criteria, the novel "Diamantes pretos em meio a cristais" presents an innovative perspective by the way it distributes the stories in different temporal and spatial dimensions, with different characters, but with a common denominator that is related to human suffering. As for the collection of short stories "Quando os mochos piam", a strong ironic tone prevails, making the stories oscillate between the tragic and the hilarious, with a marked inspiration from oral tradition and everyday events,” the jury chairperson, Francisco Noa, said.
On the occasion, representing Moza Banco, Executive Committee member Sérgio Ribeiro, said that the award, besides honouring and exalting the legacy of the Foundation's patron, a figure whose career and work history is saddled with elevating, also boosts the emergence of young talent, rewarding young people who stand out in the area of creative writing.
“Our words at this moment are of joy and congratulation to the young authors Maya Angela Macuacua and Geremias Mendoso who, with the quality of content they presented, have overcome the strong competition and become the big winners of this edition. We hope that they continue on a successful path and that, inspired by the great names of Mozambican literature, they can give us more literary works.”
The big winners of the literary prize received a monetary award, offered by Moza Banco, which also sponsors the printing of the works submitted in the competition.
Since its creation, the Fernando Leite Couto Prize has already had two winners, namely, Macvildo Pedro Bonde, with the poetry collection “Descrição das Sombras” ("Description of Shadows"), in 2017, and Otildo Justino Guido, with the work “O Silêncio da Pele” ("Silence of the Skin"), in 2019.
In 2018, the jury decided not to award the prize, as none of the candidates met the quality requirements demanded by the award criteria.