Moza awarded "Local Content Bank" prize in Mozambique

Moza Banco has been awarded the "Local Content Bank", in recognition of the impact its products and services have had on communities across the country. Moza is the bank that, under the government's "One District, One Bank" programme, has opened the most branches in rural regions of Mozambique.
The prize was awarded by Mozambique Energy Intelligence Limitada (MEI), as part of the 1st edition of the "Enermina Awards", also known as the Local Content Award. The initiative aims to identify, publicise, and recognise actions of constructive impact carried out by the various Local Content agents in the energy, mining, agriculture and environment sectors in Mozambique.
The award was presented recently in Maputo to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Moza Banco, Manuel Soares, by representatives of the awarding organisation, in the presence of several the bank's employees and other numerous guests.
MEI's Director, Mr Momade Mucanheia, on the occasion, addressed words of encouragement to Moza Banco, calling for it to constantly maintain the quality of its products and services and the focus on the expansion of its network.
"With over 1600 points accumulated as part of its impact in social and industrial responsibility actions, Moza has shown commitment and interest in supporting constructive actions at the service of the comm unity. We simply ask that it maintains this spirit and inspire other institutions," Momade Mucanheia added.
Moza Banco’s CEO said that the merit belongs to all employees. "It is only thanks to the individual and collective dedication of all our employees that we continue to grow and reaffirm our presence in the market, as a genuinely Mozambican bank. We want our DNA to be mirrored in the desire to be ever closer to the communities and to each Mozambican family. In general, we always want to Make It Happen", he said.
The recognition by Mozambique Energy Intelligence boosts Moza's ambition to continue to develop and reach more and more of the Mozambican population, thus becoming the main driver of the process of financial inclusion in Mozambique.