Moza Banco and FNDS enter into partnership to support the country's agricultural sector

Moza Banco and the National Fund for Sustainable Development (FNDS), an institution under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADER), have recently signed a Protocol to establish a joint search of financing solutions that will benefit the primary sector of the economy in a consistent and truly viable way.
Under these terms, the two institutions have reached an agreement to make available, under the SUSTENTA Project, a fund of MZN 1,173,216,999.57 MT. This fund includes a Credit Line to support the Agri-Business sector and is also related to a non-refundable grant component, which means a contribution in funds to support the strengthening of the equity of these business units.
At the signing ceremony, João Figueiredo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Moza Banco, referred to the importance of this initiative to the real economy, "as with the cooperation of MADER, through the FNDS, it will be possible to establish a healthy balance between the involvement of equity and bank financing to the beneficiaries of this financing".
On the other hand, "it is worth mentioning the effort of the State, both in raising funds from other partners such as the World Bank and through the State Budget, would ultimately make it possible for these funds to be granted at a subsidised rate well below market rates, in line with the expectations of the Sector".
Claudio Borges, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the FNDS, reacted by saying that "data in the possession of MADER has shown that less than 1% of farmers in Mozambique have access to bank credit. In order to overcome this reality, we believe it is necessary to create financial products adapted to the various players in an agricultural value chain. One of these products is available to the market through this partnership with MOZA, and there is room in the near future for other commercial banks to participate. Through this partnership, which will ensure transparency and compliance, it has been possible to create a credit line with conditions that we consider appropriate for the agribusiness segment and will allow greater integration and development of agricultural value chains’’.
The terms and conditions of access to this Credit Line will be made available to the market in the next few days through Moza Banco and FNDS distribution channels.