Moza Banco and Fundação Fernando Leite Couto promote literary lectures

Moza Banco recognises in the Fernando Leite Couto Foundation (FFLC) an important partner for artistic and cultural development in the country. It is within this vision that the bank has collaborated with the Foundation since 2019, supporting the implementation of some initiatives that this entity has developed in the field of art and literature, with particular emphasis on the publication of works by Mozambican writers and promotion of lectures and conversations on various topics.

It was in this sense that the two institutions decided this year to promote literary talks aimed at the exchange of knowledge and innovative ideas in the field of Mozambican arts, specifically in literature, with young people as the preferred public.

The first session took place this February and was entitled Interview with Eduardo Mondlane, Noémia de Sousa, José Craveirinha and Severino Ngoenha and had as a guest speaker Dionísio Bahule, professor of Philosophy and Communication, who interviewed icons of political and cultural thought in Mozambique.

"This was an occasion to address utopias of our Mozambicanity. Otherwise, nothing better to start a new year, and Mozambique cannot forget times passed," said Bahule

The next lectures linked to literature with Moza’s support, will focus on: Stories behind stories with Virgilia Ferrão and How to read "Nós matamos o cão tinhoso [We Killed Mangy Dog]"today? A lecture to be led by Léo Cote.


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