Moza Banco launches financial literacy programme in national languages

As part of Moza Banco's efforts to increase access to and use of financial services by more Mozambicans, on 20th February the Bank launched a financial literacy radio programme called “Conta com o Moza” (“Count on Moza”).
The programme is aimed at people in rural areas, including farmers, small traders, civil servants and state agents, students and low-income women, covering in this first phase (5) districts where the Bank currently has MADER branches, opened under the government initiative "One District, One Bank", namely: Derre (Zambezia); Memba and Murrupula (Nampula); Chimbunila and Majune (Niassa).
There will be a total of 12 editions in which concepts, best practices, security tips and other useful information related to financial services and personal finance management are broadcast weekly in local languages. The programme will be aired at times when there is the largest audience in these locations, namely Mondays at 5.40am, with a repeat on Wednesdays at 6pm.
With this focus on the use of predominant local languages, Moza Banco has become the first banking institution to adopt this approach to communicate financial content.
The Bank's strategy of using the languages people communicate best with, in informal and targeted communication, as well as inclusive and mass media - radio, combined with the inclusion of a gender-sensitive approach, demonstrates its commitment to inclusion, particularly for low-income groups, in areas far from the main urban centres, living up to its standing as a Mozambican Bank for everyone.
The "Conta com o Moza" programme is produced by FEEDBACK, a specialised communications agency, and it also sees it team up with Technoserve/WIN, a programme that seeks to promote the economic empowerment of women through entrepreneurship, and which co-financed the baseline study with a view to ascertaining the real barriers faced by these communities, their financial management habits and needs.
In order to ensure the quality intended, the start of the programme was preceded by training for its presenters, which took place on 13th and 14th February. The training included a component linked to gender equality so that the presenters had this awareness when presenting the programmes.
With the effective start of "Conta com o Moza" it is expected that the population of the chosen communities may increase their level of financial literacy, so that they can make a responsible and conscious use of financial services and products, resulting in the improvement of their quality of life and well-being.
Due to the importance of this financial education programme, the Bank expects to expand the programme to further locations, reaching an increasing number of people.