Moza Banco reaches break-even point and ends 2020 with a net income of 146 million Meticais

In the 2020 financial year, Moza Banco attained a positive net income of 146 million Meticais compared to a loss of 776 million Meticais in 2019, consolidating its position as a major bank in the Mozambican financial system and underlining the trust of its customers and other stakeholders. 

These results were presented by the Board of Directors on 20th April at the Bank's ordinary general meeting where the shareholders approved the Management Report and Financial Statements for 2020. 

Despite the adverse context, the Bank maintained its record of recovery and growth, as a result of the trust that customers and the market have reaffirmed in its business and performance. This partnership, which has been consolidated with the Bank's other stakeholders, has been evident in the growth rates the Bank presented for its business during the year under review – a 14% growth in assets, a 20% growth in deposits and a slight growth in the loan portfolio of 1%.   

This strategic trajectory, which has been developed over the last three and a half years   following profound operational restructuring, financial reorganisation and reconfiguration of its capital structure – as a result of intervention from the Central Bank - is now even better illustrated as it reaches break-even point.  

2020 was also marked by a significant standing in terms of market share - 6.1% of assets, 6.1% of deposits and 10.3% credit - thus consolidating Moza Banco as a major bank in the Mozambican financial system. 

Regarding the 2020 financial year, Moza Banco's CEO, João Figueiredo, says: "we have demonstrated a strong capacity to overcome difficulties, expand revenue generation, while maintaining a solid balance sheet and a comfortable liquidity position.” 

As a consequence of increased financial involvement with its customers and strict prudential management practices, at the end of last year the Bank had a liquidity ratio of 42.5%, above the regulatory established indicator of 25.5%. The Bank also ended 2020 with a solvency ratio of 14.83%, exceeding the minimum of 12% defined by the Central Bank of Mozambique.

The Bank continued to expand its customer base, having attracted 25 thousand new customers in 2020 and recorded significant growth in transactions in digital channels, having grown its USSD channel by 21%, compared to 2019, in a year defined by the need of its customers to interact beyond the physical space of its branches.

Due to this level of performance, Moza Banco presented a significant improvement in 2020 in its profitability and efficiency ratios, compared to the same period of 2019. Return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA) stood at 1.87% (2019: -9.07%) and 0.31% (2019: -1.85%), respectively.

Moza Banco's CEO, João Figueiredo, also highlighted the expansion of the branch network, with 11 new branches opened in previously unbanked districts, "we currently have a network of 70 bank branches and we have accelerated our remote banking programme, through a set of initiatives, in particular the interoperability of mobile wallets, the virtual POS system and the launch of a new technological platform in 2021.”

In a year marked, in economic terms, by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, Moza Banco has proved its resilience with these results and starts 2021 with a more robust and reassuring balance sheet. This comes within a context in which the Mozambican economy is expected to overcome the difficulties of the pandemic’s negative effect and progressively build conditions for the resumption of economic activity that remains so highly anticipated by all its customers.


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