Moza Banco signs commercial partnership with SEI Group

Moza Banco, the third largest branch network in Mozambique, recently signed an institutional and commercial cooperation protocol with the SEI Group - Sociedade de Ensino e Investigação. With this partnership, Moza intends to attract more Customers and Partners that will add commercial and transactional value to the institution, thus consolidating the Bank´s presence in the Mozambican market.
The good news was formalized a few days ago in Maputo, in the Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year 2020, at the Instituto Superior de Comunicação e Imagem de Moçambique (ISCIM). With the signing of this memorandum, the SEI Group shall now benefit from special conditions in the access to services and products offered by Moza to the national banking market such as opening of accounts for all companies that are part of the group, management of payment of salaries to the company´s staff and as well as manage the payment to suppliers of ISCIM and the SEI Group, support the treasury, financing, among other benefits.
Moza Banco undertakes to pay special conditions to SEI Group employees, promoting the opening of bank accounts, provision of co-branded students´ cards, include SEI Group students (ISCIM and IPCI) in Moza's Internship Programs, among other actions.
On the occasion, the General Director of ISCIM, Omar Naguib, mentioned the importance of this partnership, for the materialization of the objectives of Moza Banco, which include broadening the initiatives in planning and investment in education.
On turn, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Moza Banco, João Figueiredo, who had the honor of professing the opening ceremony of the Academic Year on the theme "Experiences that Transform", brought to the audience the best of his professional experience, alerting students about the challenges they will face in their training process and later in their professional life. He also highlighted the relational, commercial and transactional value that this partnership adds to both institutions, showing his satisfaction with the formalization of this partnership, given its importance in pursuing Moza Banco's objectives.