Moza Bank is the best regional bank in Southern Africa

Moza Banco has just been elected the best regional bank in Southern Africa in an event that rewards the best participants in the sector in the continent each year. This year the ceremony took place virtually due to the limitations caused by Covid-19.
The awards are promoted by African Banker Magazine with the support of the African Development Bank (AfDB) and aim to highlight the achievements of companies and individuals who contribute to the transformation and development of the financial sector in Africa.
Besides, it also aims to acknowledge the efforts made by those who have driven growth and development, thus creating new economic opportunities for citizens and communities across the continent.
It is in this context that Moza Banco was distinguished as the best bank in the southern African. This distinction was based on the extraordinary evolution of the bank's commercial activity indicators, the expansion of the branch network, the quality of the service provided, embodied in the provision of value-added products and services for customers and the wider market.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Moza Banco, João Figueiredo, manifested satisfaction for this Moza Banco distinction and highlighted the fact that this is an award to the whole Moza's family and the country. "This is for all of us, as Mozambicans and as part of Moza Banco, a matter of great pride".
"I would like to express our special appreciation and gratitude to all those who have contributed to the consolidation and growth of Moza Banco, and who are the true "workers" of this award, particularly the Employees, for the committed and professional way they have conducted their mission, our Customers for maintaining their trust in this Institution, our Shareholders for all the support they have given us and also the Supervisory and Governmental Authorities for their availability and support to the processes the Bank has been developing".
João Figueiredo also highlighted the moment this award arrives to Moza Bank, which is "such a difficult moment for humanity, due to the Covid-19 pandemic", and therefore took the moment to say that "we will all be and continue to be together with our authorities and our governors in order to defeat this strong pandemic that is afflicting humanity".
In addition to the "Best Regional Bank" category, in which Moza Banco competed and won, it worth mentioning that the respective CEO was among the 5 finalists to the " banker of the year " award, which he already won in 2013.