Moza launches project to combat erosion in Xefina

Moza Banco, in the shape of its collective of volunteers, Clube Moza, this Saturday joined just over a hundred employees, friends and partners, to combat erosion on Xefina Island, in the municipal district of Kamavota, Maputo. The group planted more than 200 trees on the coastal there, where climate change is visibly devastating local vegetation.
In addition to planting trees, the volunteers donated clothes and non-perishable food to the 45 inhabitants of Xefina Island who live in precarious conditions on the isolated piece of land, whose erosion is diminishing it little by little.
According to the residents of Xefina, the donated goods respond to some of the community’s needs, but it “doesn’t have schools, hospitals, piped water or other essential services”, they complain.
The bank hopes the “Let’s Plant Trees” initiative will minimise soil erosion caused by the rising water levels affecting more than 60% of Mozambican coastal regions, according to official data. The project, which covers the whole country, should make it possible to plant hundreds of mangrove seedlings and other plants that help soils resist erosion.
According to environmentalist Rui Silva, the attitude of the Bank’s volunteers is part of global efforts to combat the effects of climate change, which put the survival of all humanity at risk.
“The effects of climate change are a global concern. As we can witness here, there are houses that were once on land and were inhabited in the past, but are now in the sea. We, as a country, are very vulnerable to rising ocean waters, so more and more collective awareness is needed to minimise these situations, particularly with regard to erosion,” the environmentalist stressed.
For the Chairman of the Executive Committee of Moza Banco, Manuel Soares, the “Let’s Plant Trees” project is an initiative that will create natural barriers that will help preserve coastal vegetation, contributing to the reinforcement of local biodiversity and guaranteeing a healthy environment for future generations.
“By making the “Let’s Plant Trees” project happen, we plant not only tree seedlings, but also the seeds of hope for a better future. We are united in our purpose of preserving the environment and ensuring the protection of our precious biodiversity,” Manuel Soares said.
The implementation of this initiative was possible with the support of the Municipal Council of Maputo City, the Maritime Club, the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) and the Xefina community leaders who received the team of volunteers.
With yet one more project, Moza “makes it happen” through concrete actions that demonstrate its commitment to social responsibility and environmental preservation. Moza Bank believes that only by joining forces and working together can a sustainable future be guaranteed for all.