The Board of Directors of Moza Banco informs its Customers and the General Public that, in light of the negotiations that have been taking place, on August 24th, 2018, an offer for the purchase of the entire equity of Banco Terra S.A. was made.

The aforementioned transaction is part of a structured operation that includes, in addition to the purchase of the entire equity capital of Banco Terra S.A, the subsequent merger between Moza Banco S.A and Banco Terra S.A.

With this operation, which will naturally safeguard the best interests of all stakeholders of both institutions,  it is intended to equip the institution resulting from the operation with strengthened capacity to serve the market in general, and customers in particular, with a high spirit of cooperation and relationship in the different sectors of economic and business life in the country.

Please note that the said offer will now be analysed by the competent bodies and shareholders of Banco Terra S.A, as well as by the Regulatory Authority, while the procedural, regulatory and legal procedures resulting from this operation will take place in the meantime.

Moza Banco SA, in the certainty that its success will benefit the economy and society in general, shows it’s greater commitment to the implementation of this transaction, which we believe will consolidate its position in the market as a reference bank in the national financial system.

 The Board of Directors

Moza Banco S.A.


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