- Day-to-day
For security reasons we do not recommend the communication of any banking data via email or phone.
Please note that you should not access the links contained in any message received on behalf of Moza Banco.
If you receive messages requesting information, passwords and other bank details, you should delete the message and never access the links or open their attachments.
For security reasons we do not recommend the communication of any banking data via email or phone.
Please note that you should not access the links contained in any message received on behalf of Moza Banco.
If you receive messages requesting information, passwords and other bank details, you should delete the message and never access the links or open their attachments.
+ Funcionário Loan

Consumer credit exclusively destined to finance Civil Servants and/or State Agents.
This loan is intended to finance the purchase of electrical appliances, furniture, travel expenses, wedding expenses, the purchase of building materials, training, investments.
- Exemption from the opening fee, set up fee and process organisation fee, and late payment interest;
- Interest rate: Negotiable.
- Simple and flexible subscription;
- Quick disbursement.