Classic Debit Card - Non Personalized

Classic Debit Card - Non Personalized

This is the Card that enables money operations and immediate access to Current Account as soon as you open.

 The Moza Non Personalized Debit Card is the easiest way to access your Current Account. You can use it for shopping (POS), cash withdrawals, transfers, consulting balances or movements as well as payment of services, in Mozambique and anywhere else in the world.

And we have another surprise for you: it’s free of annual fee!


  • Card without emission costs;
  • Immediate delivery on Account opening act (if requested by the Customer);
  • Immediate access to Current Account;
  • Valid in Mozambique and abroad;
  • Valid on Automated Teller Machines (ATM) and Point-of-Sale (POS) identified with Visa and/or Ponto 24 symbols;
  • Means of payment conveniente, modern and safe;
  • Access to Moza Banco’s functionalities and services via ATM.