
João Figueiredo distinguished by African Leadership Magazine

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Moza Banco, João Figueiredo, was this Saturday, 26th February, distinguished by African Leadership Magazine, with the "Distinguished African Business Leadership Excellence Award", during the International Forum on African Leadership, an event that took place in a hybrid format (in person + virtually), from London, under the theme: Expansion of Development Efforts and Global Partnerships for Africa. The distinction comes following a careful selection and verification process directed by the editorial board of African Leadership Magazine, one of the main pan-African publications today.

This honourable distinction comes in recognition of his contribution to the growth and development of Moza Banco, in particular his leading role in the Bank's recovery from a loss of 776 million meticais in 2019 to a profit of 146 million meticais in 2020.

Speaking moments after receiving the award, João Figueiredo began by thanking African Leadership Magazine, before stating that, “being awarded this prize for excellence in business management in Africa by a panel of distinguished experts in Banking and Finance is undoubtedly a reason for great satisfaction and pride, while similarly carrying a huge responsibility, given the strong competition in our sector”.

Moza Banco's Chairman dedicated the award to employees, customers and shareholders, “this honourable distinction has not been achieved alone. It has only been possible thanks to the invaluable contribution from employees and staff at Moza Banco, who, with their wisdom, energy, commitment and dedication, have worked to build, consolidate, grow and assert Moza, overcoming the most complex challenges and adversities. The achievement that we celebrate today is also thanks to the trust and loyalty of our customers and partners who have accompanied us along this journey, and we reaffirm our firm determination to continue strengthening our ties in a constructive partnership, as we have grown together. I also dedicate this award to the Shareholders who, recognising Moza Banco’s Value, have invested and invested and trusted in this project, ensuring the conditions required for the achievement of the strategic objectives of our institution”.

Besides João Figueiredo, the 10th ceremony to present the African Leadership Magazine's Personalities of the Year also served to honour figures such as the Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta; the Malawian President, Lazarus Chakwera; the President of Botswana, Mogkweetsi Masisi; among other business, political and diplomatic leaders.

Moza Banco and Fundação Fernando Leite Couto promote literary lectures

Moza Banco recognises in the Fernando Leite Couto Foundation (FFLC) an important partner for artistic and cultural development in the country. It is within this vision that the bank has collaborated with the Foundation since 2019, supporting the implementation of some initiatives that this entity has developed in the field of art and literature, with particular emphasis on the publication of works by Mozambican writers and promotion of lectures and conversations on various topics.

It was in this sense that the two institutions decided this year to promote literary talks aimed at the exchange of knowledge and innovative ideas in the field of Mozambican arts, specifically in literature, with young people as the preferred public.

The first session took place this February and was entitled Interview with Eduardo Mondlane, Noémia de Sousa, José Craveirinha and Severino Ngoenha and had as a guest speaker Dionísio Bahule, professor of Philosophy and Communication, who interviewed icons of political and cultural thought in Mozambique.

"This was an occasion to address utopias of our Mozambicanity. Otherwise, nothing better to start a new year, and Mozambique cannot forget times passed," said Bahule

The next lectures linked to literature with Moza’s support, will focus on: Stories behind stories with Virgilia Ferrão and How to read "Nós matamos o cão tinhoso [We Killed Mangy Dog]"today? A lecture to be led by Léo Cote.

Moza and UPG come together to provide schooling support to underprivileged children and young people in Gaza

Moza has just joined up with the Association "Um Pequeno Gesto, Uma Grande Ajuda" (One Small Gesture, A Big Help), to jointly develop a study support project at the Sta. Luísa de Marillac School, in Majangue, Chókwè district, Gaza province. This is an initiative aimed at ensuring that children and young people have habits and interests for their studies and, in this way, avoid leaving school prematurely, mainly at times when they witness improvements in their academic performance.

Called Apoio ao Estudo Pós-Escolar UPG (“After-School Study Support”), this is an after-school education support programme, which funds a space where disadvantaged children and young people can develop and strengthen their learning, but which will also help to alleviate child hunger on a daily basis.

Made aware of the objectives of the initiative, the bank, within the scope of our Corporate Social Responsibility, decided to join the "Um Pequeno Gesto, Uma Grande Ajuda" Association, providing financial support for its materialisation.

“We decided to respond to this request to support underprivileged children and young people in their academic development because we believe that education is the basis for building a society and children are the future of this country.”, Dr. Manuel Soares, theCEO of Moza Banco explained.

The Association "Um Pequeno Gesto, Uma Grande Ajuda", is a non-governmental humanitarian organisation and its interventions are centred on the implementation of projects to support poverty, infrastructures, sanitation and water holes, education, among other areas of social interest.



Moza Banco rewards customers who use digital channels the most

Moza Banco proceeded, on 31st January 2022 to deliver prizes to its customers for their frequent use of the bank's digital platforms. The awards are the result of the competition that took place from 1st to 31st December and that was valid for all Moza Banco customers with domiciled accounts. There were winners from various parts of the country, namely: Maputo City and Province, and the provinces of Gaza, Manica, Nampula and Niassa.

The draws were held on 6th and 22nd December 2021 and the final one on 15th January 2022.

For Moza Banco, this is a competition aimed at encouraging the adhesion and use of Digital Channels by Moza customers, allowing them to make their payments for services and transfers in a secure and convenient way, particularly considering the current environment of Covid-19 prevention.

"This campaign had a commercial objective as well as one of prevention, because besides wanting to show our customers that they can find everyday banking services via our channels, we also wanted to protect them from COVID-19, avoiding unnecessary risks. Moza is a bank that cares about its customers and aims to give added value in all its campaigns." Moza Banco's Director of Marketing, Channels, Communication and Social Responsibility, João de Almeida Mota, said.

At this moment, the Bank has four (4) Digital Channels, which allow Customers to transact on their accounts remotely and with total independence, namely, Moza Net (Internet Banking), Moza Mobile (Mobile Banking), Moza Já (USSD) and Azapp (WhatsApp Banking).

Moza Banco has maintained its focus on promoting the use of Digital Channels to contain the contamination rates and spread of Covid-19 in the country.

Moza Banco donates office furniture to the Secretary of State in Sofala Province

Moza Banco recently delivered office furniture to the Secretary of State in Sofala Province, which will now serve the interests of the Government as well as the province’s population.

This act is part of Moza Banco's Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, which has as one of its main focuses the development of activities that contribute towards the economic and social progress of communities where the Bank operates, thus fostering sustainable relations with its stakeholders.

During his speech, the representative of Moza Banco, Feliciano Di-Tiane recalled that "we approached the Secretary of State of this province expressing the Bank's willingness to hand over this material, so that they could make the best use of it for the benefit of their citizens, and that it contributes, as decided by the local government, to improving the working conditions for health services and the Mozambican Police in this part of the country".

On behalf of the Council for State Representation Services in Sofala, Eduardo Faria, the initiative of Moza Banco was welcomed, "we want to express our sincere thanks for the kind and important donation made by Moza Banco to our institution, which will be applied in pursuing our institutional objectives, as we know that in a prosperous country like ours, everybody’s participation is indispensable".

With this initiative, the bank intends to contribute to the development of the province with the country’s second largest city.

In November 2021, Moza Banco handed over modules (containers adapted for offices) to Beira City council, which will be used to collect taxes and fees, according to the mayor, Albano Carige.