
Ile now has Moza Banco Services

The Moza Banco branch in Ile District came into operation on 13 April 2020, by the way the first bank branch in that district in Zambezia Province. It is expected that the branch will serve the local inhabitants and surrounding areas, therefore, alleviating the suffering of the population, including small businessmen, civil servants and state agents, who had to travel long distances to find a bank branch facing risks.                                 

The opening of this branch is part of the presidential initiative "One District One Bank", which, in partnership with the commercial banks, aims to boost the expansion of the banking network in the country, providing all districts with at least one financial institution that allows individuals, companies and institutions to carry out various banking operations with total security and efficiency besides allowing locals to find financial solutions that are appropriate to their needs.

By joining this initiative, Moza Banco demonstrates its commitment to local and sustainable development of communities, promoting financial inclusion and banking of the economy through the expansion of its activity to the Districts.

With the entry into operation of Ile branch, the number of Moza Banco's Business Units throughout the country rises to 68, thus reinforcing the Bank's position as the 3rd largest branch network.

It should be noted that in view of the current situation in the country, caused by the pandemic of the new Coronavirus (COVID-19), Moza Banco has been strengthening its appeal to Customers to favour the use of the Digital Channels, and has also recently announced the suspension of collection of commissions on transactions carried out through these channels, in amounts of up to MZN 5,000 (except for ATM withdrawals).

Executive Committee re-elected for one more term of office

The Moza Banco Shareholders General Meeting held on March 30, appointed the Bank's Governing Bodies, namely the Board of Directors, chaired by João Figueiredo, the Supervisory Board chaired by Venâncio Chirrime and the Board of the General Meeting, chaired by Lourenço Joaquim da Costa do Rosário.

The Board of Directors also includes two non-executive Directors, Manuel Aranda da Silva and Wilfred Jeroen Scheelback.

The General Meeting besides the chairman, consists by a Vice-President and a Secretary, who are Maria Violante Manuel and Sara Mondego Marques, respectively.

The Supervisory Board, besides the Chairman, consists by a Vice-Chairman, a Voting Member and an Alternate, who are, respectively, Irene Maurício, Maria Jesus Matola Langa and Maria Lúcia Zacarias.

Also last Monday, the Board of Directors met to appoint the Executive Committee of the Bank which, once again, will be chaired by João Figueiredo. The other members of the Board are: Joana Matsombe, Manuel Duarte Emauz de Vasconcelos Guimarães, Sérgio Eduardo Ribeiro and Vítor Manuel Latas Brazão.

It should be noted that this is the third time that João Figueiredo has been appointed to head Moza Banco. For the first time he was appointed by Banco de Moçambique, when the institution was intervened, resulting with the entry of Kuhanha, the Pension Fund Management entity of Banco de Moçambique, which assumed the majority position in the shareholder structure in Moza. It was also decided that João Figueiredo should continue to head the institution, and has now been reappointed for a 4-year mandate (2020-2023).


Reinforced capacity of ICOR in the fight against COVID-19

Moza Banco donated USD 50,000.00 equivalent to MZN 3,340,000 Meticais, to the Instituto do Coração (ICOR) to support the hospital to face the COVID-19 pandemic disease. Moza Banco's support will help (ICOR) to cope with unforeseen costs.

This amount is intended for the purchase of medicines and protective equipment for healthcare professionals, and should also be used in the rehabilitation of the hospital to accommodate isolated COVID-19 patients.

"This is why Moza Banco's support was fundamental, but above all, the time it was made, that we really need support to face this disease, said the Director General of ICOR showing satisfaction and "deep gratitude" for the fact that the Bank was a partner that came at a right time to add value to the ICOR and the whole country.

At the moment, in terms of action against COVID-19, ICOR has been carrying out consultations and analyses at domiciliary and hospital level. "We have created a special space in the enclosure for COVID-19 patients. These patients from the entrance gate to the premises do not mix with patients suffering from other disease. Medical analysis is collected in the enclosure and medicines are also delivered in this special space", guarantees Maria Beatriz Ferreira, adding that other regular patients don't need to be afraid to go to the ICOR because there is absolutely no risk of contamination.

ICOR is a non-profit institution, which has been operating in Mozambique since 2001, providing free care to disadvantaged children. Until then, ICOR has operated free of charge on over 2000 children, who would have lost their lives without the hospital assistance.

Due to ICOR's philanthropic nature, Moza Banco decided to provide support to this reference hospital in Mozambique, within the scope of the Bank's social responsibility. Moza Banco’s CEO, João Figueredo, recently urged everyone to do what they can do best to stop the spread of the new COVID-19 in Mozambique.