The initiative is part of the Government project "One District, One Bank", which aims to allow more Mozambicans to have access to banking services.
As part of the process of promoting banking services in Mozambique, the Ministry of Land and Rural Development, through the National Sustainable Development Fund, and Moza Banco signed an agreement on Monday afternoon, that envisions that Moza Bank can expand its services to 20 more districts of the country by the year 2019, in order to allow more Mozambicans to have access to the financial system.
The districts are Meluco and Quissanga (in Cabo delgado); Majune, Chimbonila, Ngauma and Sanga (in Niassa); Liúpo, Memba and Nacarôa (in Nampula); Marínguè (in Sofala); Machaze (in Manica); Chinde, Derre, Il and, Lugela and Mocubela (in Zambézia); Tsangano (in Tete); Chigubo, Guijá and Mapai (in Gaza).
The act is part of the project "One District, One Bank" launched by the Government in 2016, which aims to accelerate the process of promoting banking services in rural areas, in order to minimize the plight of the population that travel long distances in search of a bank branch.
In his speech, the Minister of Land and Rural Development, His Excellency, Celso Correia expressed the Government's concern to expand banking services to more parts of the country.
"We are aware as Government that expanding the banking system to the most remote places of the country is still a challenge. Moza Banco, from the outset adhered to the national banking policy and today we take another important step in the goal of allowing more Mozambicans to have access to financial services within a reasonable radius of 3 kilometres, maximum “said the Minister.
On the other hand, Celso Correia assured that his Government will do everything to materialize the agreement signed, aiming to benefit the population and the Mozambican economy.
"We will do everything to fulfil our goal of ensuring that all 153 districts nationwide can have at least one branch by 2019. In Mozambique, we still have thousands of Mozambicans who have to go hours, if not days, to have access to their wages and to a bank branch, "he added.
In turn, the Chairman of the Board of Directors (CEO) of Moza Banco, João Figueiredo, expressed interest in continuing to bring the banking system to more Mozambicans.
"We are today an universal and retail Bank, with the third largest branch network in the country, consisting of about 55 branches. We intend to strengthen our position by expanding our presence to other locations and this partnership will certainly facilitate the achievement of this objective, "said Moza Banco PCA, João Figueiredo, moments after signing the agreement with MITADER
It should be noted that in the scope of the project "One District, One Bank", Moza is already present in Chicualacuala (Gaza) districts; Vanduzi and Gondola (in Manica); and Murrupula (in Nampula).