Under the Presidential initiative, "one district a bank", Moza Banco has just launched the first stone to build branches in the provinces of Zambézia – Ile District; and Nampula-Nacarôa district.
Moza Banco has just given an important step forward in the construction of two branches in the districts of ILE (Zambézia province) and Nacarôa (Nampula province), in an action under the Presidential initiative "one district, a bank", Launched in 2016, which recommends that all districts of the country shall have at least one branch.
This Monday, April 15, the Governor of Zambézia Province, Abdul Razak launched the first stone for the construction of the future Moza Banco branch, in the district of ILE, by the way the first ever banking branch in this district.
Similar act occurred on Tuesday, April 16, in Nacarôa district, Nampula province, where the provincial Governor, Víctor Borges, directed the launching ceremony of the first stone for the construction of the Moza Banco branch on that district. The two ceremonies were witnessed by members of the provincial and district governments, Moza Banco staff and general people who were in mass and expressed their satisfaction at the beginning of the construction of these new infrastructures.
These are the first two branches of a total of 20 that will be built up to 2020, in equal number of districts, under the memorandum of Understanding signed last year, between the bank and the government, through the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural development (MITADER).
By embracing this initiative, Moza enters into line with its commitment to promote greater financial inclusion and banking of the economy by expanding its activity to districts that do not have coverage of banking network; therefore, Moza believes that the availability of financial services and other related services will raise the potential of these areas, fostering the local and the sustainable development of the communities.
In the scope of partnership with MITADER, there are already four (4) Moza Banco branches, operating in full, in the districts of Chicualacuala (in Gaza province); Gondola and Vanduzi (in Manica) and Murrupula, in Nampula.
Until 2020, Moza Banco will have branches in the districts of Liúpo, and Memba (in Nampula), Chinde, Derre, Lugela and Mocubela (in Zambézia); Meluco and Quissanga (in Cabo-Delgado); Majune, Chimbonila, Ngauma and Sanga (in Niassa); Marínguè (in Sofala); Machaze (in Manica); Tangent (in Tete); Chigubo, Guijá and Mapai (in Gaza).
Currently Moza Banco owns the 3rd largest network of branches in the country comprised of more than 55 Business Units spread across all provincial capitals and some districts and villages. To these, we will join 10 more BTM’s branches as a result of the integration and merger process of the two institutions; thereby, expanding the condition of a truly universal bank in terms of coverage of the banking business spectrum, and with strong implementation National-wide.
Maputo, April 16th, 2019
For further information:
Department of Communication and Social Responsibility