
Moza Banco invests in the sustainability of hospitals in Nampula and Tete

Moza Banco, in the context of its social responsibility policy, invested in the equipping of rural hospitals in the provinces of Tete and Nampula, particularly in the districts of Tsangano, Memba, Murrupula and Malema. The equipment basically consists of cabinets, tables, chairs, drawer units, among others, aimed at improving the working conditions and services of the health professionals and the users.

Still in this context and particularly to Tsangano hospital, Moza Banco provided a power transformation station which will substantially improve the functioning of the hospital.

These actions are part of our Social Responsibility policy, which has a close connection with DNA, aimed at establishing and strengthening relationships, as a mechanism for greater and better sustainability of the company and consequently of our activities, and in this particular case in the districts where we already have an involvement with the community, through our branches located in such districts, that have been continually contributing to the socioeconomic development of these districts, said the  Chairman of the Board of Directors of Moza Banco, João Figueiredo.

It should be noted that currently Moza has the 3rd largest network of branches in the country consisting of more than 60 business units spread throughout the country and is strongly focused on the expansion of its activity to more districts without bank coverage. The bank recently opened bank branches in the districts of Memba – Nampula and Tsangano-Tete and is already operating in the districts of Malema and Murrupula – Nampula.

VISA acknowledges Moza Banco's growth

This acknowledgment results from the high capacity demonstrated by Moza Banco in providing safe and reliable operations for its Customers leading the Bank to be distinguished from other financial institutions because of the considerably increase in the volume of transactions in its range of cards both in the country and abroad either through face to face or online transactions using Visa network's platforms.

Moza Banco's debit and credit cards recorded, in 2018, the highest growth in the transactions made abroad and on online purchases. Due to this, the Bank was awarded with the prestigious Visa International prizes in the Visa Cross Border Champion Award, E-com Warrior Award, Visa Premium Award 2019 categories.

The announcement of the aforementioned awards took place during the annual international VISA network's Workshop held in Maputo widely attended by the national commercial banks, VISA's Partners.

The Visa Cross Border Champion Award-distinguishes Moza as the Bank with the highest volume of transactions abroad using banking cards; the E-Com warrior award – distinguishes Moza as the Bank that registered the largest growth on online transaction volume, while Visa Premium Award 2019 – distinguishes Moza as the Bank that registered the largest growth in the issuance and transactions on Platinum cards.

The aforementioned recognitions reinforce the dimensions of security, services of excellence and confidence in the transactions of the entire range of Moza cards, having at the time Moza Banco stated that "These distinctions are the result of continuous investment in innovation in banking and financial services in general ".

It should be noted that these awards join the previous received by Moza throughout the year 2019 that led the Bank to be distinguished by "The Banker", a prestigious international publication of the Financial Times Group, as the Best Deal of the Year 2019 at the level of Africa.

Moza Banco Expands Automation of Payments in the Notary and Registrations' Services

Moza and the Ministry of Justice Constitutional and Religious Affairs (MJCR) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that renews their partnership for a more efficient management of collection of payments.

Moza Banco is focused on getting back to its position of a relational bank, highly committed to create valued partnerships with entities and institutions whose mission and objectives are in harmony with the Bank´s strategic positioning.

In this context, the Bank and the MJACR signed on Tuesday, August 27, in Maputo, a MoU renewing, therefore, their cooperation agreements in the automation of payments for the Notary and Registrations' services.

"Through this partnership and based on our experience and proven innovation capacity we want to provide intelligent and automated solutions for the payments of notary and registration service, improving, therefore, the quality of service provided to the citizens and the efficiency of the entities under the MJACR in the collection of payments for the services of notary and registration ", said Manuel Vasconcelos Guimarães, Moza Director, after the signing the agreement.   


With this initiative, Moza Banco expects to bring its products and services closer to the population, asserting itself as one of the main responsible for accelerating banking processes in the country.

In turn, the MJCR Permanent Secretary, Manuel Didier Malunga, considered that the agreement brings a new direction in the relationship with Moza, focusing on the quality of services provided to the citizen.

"The automation of payments through the bank will also allow the State, through its agencies, to create better conditions for the population," said the official.

Moza Banco currently has the 3rd largest branch network in the country, comprising more than 60 business units, including seven units resulting from the recent merger with Banco Terra Moçambique.


Moza expands bank branch network in Tete and Nampula provinces

As part of the presidential initiative, “One District One Bank,” Moza Banco has just opened two new banking branches in the provinces of Tete (Tsangano District) and Nampula (Memba District).

Moza Banco has just taken an important step towards becoming the financial institution with the 3rd largest branches’ network in the country with the opening of Tsangano and Memba branches under the presidential initiative "one district a bank" launched in 2016 which urges banks to at least have one branch in each district throughout the country.

With the start-up of these aforementioned Business Units local and surrounding communities now have a “door-to-door” bank where they can conveniently and securely save their money, carry out banking operations and find the right financial solutions for their specific needs.

By embracing this initiative, Moza is in line with its commitment of promoting greater financial inclusion to the services of the national economy promoting banking services to districts not yet covered yet by expanding its activity to districts that do not have coverage in terms of network of banking branches, as Moza believes that the financial and other related services in the districts will unleash the potential of these areas, fostering local and sustainable communities’ development.

Under the partnership with the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development, Moza has already six (6) branches operating fully in the districts of Chicualacuala (in Gaza province); Gondola and Vanduzi (in Manica), Murrupula and Memba (in Nampula) and Tsangano (in Tete).

By 2020, Moza will expand its branches’ network to Liúpo (in Nampula), Chinde, Derre, Lugela and Mocubela (in Zambezia) districts; Meluco and Quissanga (in Cabo Delgado); Majune, Chimbonila, Ngauma and Sanga (in Niassa); Maringue (in Sofala); Machaze (in Manica); Chigubo, Guija and Mapai (in Gaza).


Moza currently has the third largest branches’ network in the country consisting of more than 57 business units spread throughout the provincial capitals and some districts and villages centres. In addition to these existing Moza’s branches’ network seven (7) more branches will be added as a result of the on-going integration and merger of BTM and Moza; thereby, increasing the condition of a truly universal bank in terms of branches’ network’s coverage with a strong national implementation.


Maputo, August 17th, 2019