
Moza Awards “Moza Já USSD” Service Users”

“Moza Já USSD” is a service through which customers of this bank can transact by entering *247 #.

The winners of the first phase of the "Moza Já - USSD" prize’s draw, a Moza Banco initiative, aimed at encouraging the digitization of banking systems, for the transactions made through mobile phone and other digital platformsare already known.

The winners of this first phase of "Moza Já USSD" prize’s draw are Amimo Uahade, in the 1st place, a Customer from Nampula Province, whit twenty thousand meticais award, Mateus António Martins, in the 2nd place, a Customer from Maputo Province, whit fifteen thousand meticais award and António Muchave, in the 3rd place, a Customer from Maputo province, whit ten thousand meticais award.

The winners of this first phase welcomed Moza Banco's initiative.

“This prize means a lot to me as it represents the Bank’s acknowledgement for the fact that I’ve been a Customer for many years. Considering that we are in December the prize came in handy and I will use it to cover the expenses of this festive season " said euphoric, Mateus Martins, the second place winner, moments after the receiving the giant cheque.

In turn, the third-place winner, António Muchave took the opportunity to encourage other Customers to use Moza Banco’s digital platforms on their everyday transactions.

“I’ve been a Moza’s Customer for years, when I heard about this prize’s draw, I decided to join the initiative using my account to pay through digital platforms the TV bills, buy vouchers for the cell-phone among other services which allowed me to be one of the lucky-ones and I am very happy, so I recommend other Customers to follow my example," encouraged one of the winners.

The Moza Já USSD prize’s draw is valid for all Moza’s Private Customers using Moza Já Service (USSD channel, accessible through *247#);

The "Use of Moza Já Service" Campaign was launched on October 3, 2019, lasting 3 months and will reward monetarily, on a monthly basis, through electronic draws, 3 (three) Customers out of a total of 9 (nine) Customers.

After the draw, the monetary prizes will be credited into the Customer’s account held in Moza and their respective winners will be contacted by their respective Account’s Managers for details.

Moza expands its branches’ network

Moza Banco opened today, October 7, three new bank branches, one in Gaza Province (Mapai District), one in Manica Province (Machaze District) and one in Nampula Province (Nacaroa District) as part of the presidential initiative, “One District One Bank”.

These inaugurations are part of the presidential initiative "One District One Bank", which aims to boost the expansion of the banking network cover throughout the country, providing all districts with a financial institution where banking operations and financial solutions can be found adjusted to the Customers specific needs.

With these new branches, Moza is in line with local and sustainable community development, promoting financial inclusion and banking of the economy by expanding its activities to the Districts. Also within the scope of this initiative it is planned for tomorrow, the opening of 2 more braches in the districts of Guijá and Chibuto, in Gaza Province. By 2020, Moza will be operating in the Liúpo (Nampula), Chinde, Derre, Lugela and Mocubela (Zambezia) districts; Meluco and Quissanga (in Cabo Delgado); Majune, Chimbonila, Ngauma and Sanga (in Niassa); Maringue (in Sofala).

Moza currently has the 3rd largest branch network in the country, comprising more than 62 business units spread across all provincial capitals and some districts and villages, thus reaffirming the condition of a truly universal bank in terms of spectrum’s coverage of banking business and with strong national implementation.

Moza Banco’s commitment to cultural sustainability

Moza Banco and Nucleo D'Arte – a Mozambican Association for the Development of Culture, have formalized a partnership aimed at giving greater sustainability to the national cultural industry by developing actions involving artists in addressing issues related to climate change, wildlife preservation, in addition to other issues deemed relevant to society.

In this context, during the signing ceremony of the partnership, the ‘’ANAC’’ –National Administration of Conservation Areas, presented to a group of about 40 artists from Nucleo D’Arte, the scenery of wildlife in the country and also the major challenges in combating poaching and rising awareness of citizenship and environmental preservation.

For Moza Banco Executive Director, Manuel Guimarães, “the sustainability of  wildlife and natural richness is everyone's responsibility, and yet we are few. In this specific case, Moza Banco undewrtakes with a high sense of responsibility its role in this area and, in this context, strengthens its relationship with Nucleo D'Arte, also enhancing synergies with other strategic partners of Moza in the field of social responsibility, in this specific case with ANAC.  

As part of its social responsibility policy, Moza Banco has promoted the development of Mozambican culture, and currently has 62 branches throughout the country, having recently been awarded by the prestigious magazine The Banker for the “Deal of The Year”.

Auditório do Moza Banco acolhe lançamento da obra “A Mulher Em Maputo: Dimensões Antropológicas De Género E Reprodução”

The book, by Clélia Pondja, brings to light the results of an ethnographic research on the influence of symbolic and sociocultural representations’ system as bases of women’, already mothers’, behaviours and attitudes in Ka-Mpfumo and Ka-Tembe, Maputo.

The researcher at the Centre of Public Integrity (CIP), Clélia Pondja, debuted this Thursday as writer, with the release of her book “Woman in Maputo: An Anthropological Dimensions of Gender and Reproduction”. The book addresses in depth her insight into factors that contributes to the way women think and act in Mozambican society, particularly, in Maputo city. During her research, the author sought to understand the women's feelings on labour division, obligations, prohibitions, taboos, fears and silences.

‘The motivations that led me to write this book are several starting with my dissatisfaction with the power women have for how and when they become mothers and what health care service they need.,” said Clelia Pondja, the author of the book.

Pondja also added that the issue is relevant, given that most of the researches in Mozambique on Sexual Reproductive Health Care focus on women's access to health services, preventive campaigns, or maternal and child’s mortality’s rates, "I found it necessary to take a different approach, looking at the anthropological aspects in various dimensions to understand the factors that motivate women to seek for health care system in some periods and not in others."

The book was prefaced by the academic and Rector of the Instituto Superior de Artes e Cultura (ISARC), Filimone Meigos, who in his intervention welcomed the way the writer underlies the concerns brought in the book.

The book launching ceremony took place at the Moza Banco Amphitheatre in Maputo and was attended by writers, reading lovers, friends and representatives of entities that made it possible to publish the book, including Moza Banco, who provided all logistics’ support for the launch of this book, in recognition of the value and role that women have in the society.

It is an honour and tremendous privilege for Moza to support the presentation and launch of this book. We acknowledge its value and contribution to enhancing the role of women, particularly, the Mozambican women, in building the Society,” said João Figueiredo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Moza Banco.

Born in Inhambane province, Clélia Francelina Ozias Pondja, PhD in Anthropology from the ‘’Instituto Universitário de Lisboa’’ (ISCTE-IUL) and researcher at the Centre of Public Integrity.

The book “Woman in Maputo: An Anthropological Dimensions of Gender and Reproduction” is her first bibliographical release.