
Moza brings electricity to the population of Nhamithembe in Marínguè

The Governor of Sofala Province, Lourenço Bulha, inaugurated on Monday morning, a Power Transformer Substation (PT) in the District of Maringue, funded by Moza, as part of its social responsibility programme.

The inaugurated infrastructure is located specifically in Regulado de Samater in the Nhamithembe Village, in the region and will benefit over two hundred families and several local public infrastructures.

Moza’s support for this cause arises in response to a request from the District Government expressed at the time the Moza branch was inaugurated in that District, in March of this year, an event led by President Filipe Nyusi. Made aware of the issue, and recognising the importance of the provision of electricity for economic and social development, the Bank unreservedly attached itself to this initiative.

“We would like to thank Moza Banco for promptly responding to our request. The inauguration of this PT is proof of the Government's efforts for the expansion of socio-economic infrastructures with the objective of leveraging the productive capacity and bringing well-being to the people, with greater focus on rural areas. The arrival of energy to the population of Nhamithembe means the materialisation of one of our goals, namely the placement of infrastructures that boost productive activities, job generation and an improved quality of life for our population,” Lourenço Bulha said.

The inauguration ceremony was witnessed by the CEO of Moza Banco, Manuel Soares, who highlighted the importance of the infrastructure for the local population and reiterated the Bank's commitment to actively contribute to the social and economic progress of communities, particularly in the regions where the Bank has a commercial presence, such as the District of Maringué.

“As we identify with the issue, we have made efforts and mobilised the necessary resources to make this dream a reality. The Bank expects that the electricity system just inaugurated will help boost economic activity in this village and attract other essential services whose installation was dependent on the availability of quality electricity,” he indicated.

The Bank also took advantage of the event to proceed with the donation of agricultural seeds to local farmers, with a view to strengthening the productive capacity of Maringue District for the 2022/2023 agricultural year that begins this October.

Marínguè counts on Moza.

Moza sponsors 9th National Entrepreneurship Conference

The 9th National Entrepreneurship Conference took place between the 17th and 18th of November at Maputo Afecc Gloria Hotel, an event promoted by the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs with the support and participation of our Moza.

Under the slogan "The Future we want: Increased Productivity for Economic Recovery", the event saw over 3,000 national and international participants, including representatives from the private sector, Government, Embassies and NGOs who over the two days of the Conference debated strategies for investment in technologies for greater resilience, improvement of the know-how and capacity of workers, access to capital and international trade platforms.

On the occasion, the Secretary of State for Youth and Employment, Osvaldo Petersburg, representing the President, welcomed the organization of the event and appealed to the partners to continue to believe more and more in young people, "keep believing because young people are living the future today. With them you can only benefit, and I am sure that it is a worthwhile investment that you are making".

Moza was represented by Edson Pandze who participated as a speaker at the panel under the topic: "Access to Financing for Young Entrepreneurs".

At the venue, Moza made a stand available to all participants where there was an exhibition of products and services of the sponsoring companies which was run in parallel.

Moza’s participation in the conference was an opportunity to announce the solutions that the Bank offers to leverage companies' business, establish commercial and institutional partnerships, as well as generating awareness and exposure for the Moza brand.

Moza strengthens trade relations at Mozambique - Portugal Business Forum

 The Mozambique - Portugal Business and Investment Forum was recently held in Ricatla, Marracuene district, in Maputo province. The event was organised by the Mozambican Government through the Ministry of Industry, in partnership with the Portuguese Government, under the slogan “Promoting and Enabling Opportunities, Investments and Partnerships,” and was attended by over 500 guests, including President Filipe Nyusi and the Portuguese Prime Minister, António Costa.

For the Bank's Executive Committee member, Jaime Joaquim, the event was a unique opportunity to deepen business ties with Customers attending - established investors - and identify new business opportunities with potential partners, thereby promoting a substantial increase in business ties between Mozambique and Portugal.

“Meanwhile, due to the pertinence and relevance of the issues that were addressed by the different panels, this edition of the Forum provided important benefits to all participants, and to Moza in particular, allowing a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the most varied sectors particularly in Agribusiness, a sector of activity that Moza has a particular interest in boosting, recognizing its enormous potential to contribute to the country’s economic growth. Here we had the opportunity, albeit informally, to present the support solutions for this business area for which Moza has made specific financing lines available with special conditions,” the Executive Committee member, Jaime Joaquim, said.

Moza proudly associated itself to this high-level event, which appeared to be an excellent opportunity to capture business with companies, as well as to raise awareness and exposure of the Moza brand.

The Mozambique - Portugal Business and Investment Forum is an economic and commercial cooperation and promotion platform, led by the Mozambican and Portuguese Governments, which has as its key objectives:

  • Announcing Portuguese and Mozambican market opportunities, as well as financing and investment solutions;
  • Promoting and attracting investors to investment projects;
  • Publicizing entrepreneurial initiatives and best corporate practices from the private sector with inclusive and competitive impact.