
Moza and FFLC launch the works of the winners of the Fernando Leite Couto Literary Prize 2022

The Fernando Leite Couto Foundation and Moza Banco launched this Tuesday, the works of the FLC literary prize winners. These are the books by the writers Maya Ângela Macuácua, author of a novel titled “Diamantes pretos no meio de cristais” (Black diamonds amid crystals), and Geremias José Mendoso, with the short story book “Quando os mochos piam” (When the owls hoot).The big winners of the literary prize received a cash prize, given by Moza Banco, which is also sponsoring the publishing of the works that have been launched today.


Moza Banco's support to the Fernando Leite Couto Literary Prize, is part of the partnership between the Bank and the Foundation that dates back to 2019 and which aims to contribute to the promotion of literary creation, through support for book publishing, and other cultural activities of high social impact. Moza is therefore proud to be part of this landmark moment and, above all, to be able, together with the Fernando Leite Couto Foundation and its partners, to contribute to making the dreams and ambitions of talented young people in this vast Mozambique come true.


On the occasion, the CEO of Moza Banco Manuel Soares said that the launch of these works “is further unequivocal proof of the success of this partnership, which we hope will be renewed and expanded every day for the benefit of the development of Mozambican literature. We recognise the value of art and literature and its role in the preservation and valorisation of various artistic and cultural manifestations, of history and national identity, and it is for this reason that we unreservedly support initiatives of this nature. As a bank of Mozambicans from Rovuma to Maputo and from the Indian Ocean to Zumbo, we feel we have an added responsibility in this area.”


For the author Mia Couto, “This prize has a great meaning for the Fernando Leite Couto Foundation, which is to promote young people's literature, reading and the appearance of young people who would have initially had great difficulty in gaining visibility and becoming well-known. They are all deserving. I am very happy because this prize started with a national dimension and has expanded to an international dimension, these young people already have their works published in Portugal where they will be launched some time from now.”


The authors of the works Geremias José Mendoso  and Maya Ângela Macuácua expressed their satisfaction for the support provided by Moza Banco, the Fernando Leite Couto Foundation, and partners and have promised to continue working for the benefit of Mozambican culture.


The two winners stood out among other candidates such as: Fernanda Vitorino do Rosário Mualeia João, with the novel "Amor em tempos incertos" (Love in uncertain times); Wasquete Jasse Fernando, with the novel "Noites de desassossego" (Nights of restlessness) and Adelino Albano Luís, with the short story book "Estórias trazidas pela ventania" (Stories brought by the windstorm).


Mozambican culture can count on Moza!

Moza strengthens partnership with Small and Medium Enterprises Association

In response to an invitation by the Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of Mozambique (APME), Moza Banco recently attended the swearing in ceremony of the APME delegation in the province of Zambezia, in Quelimane Maputo.

The Moza's participation was part of the memorandum in force between the Bank and APME, signed in 2019, and which aims to provide the members of this association of entrepreneurs throughout the country with access to financing under special conditions, including their financial advice or counselling, benefiting from the extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the local reality offered by Moza Banco.


According to the representative of Moza Banco in Quelimane, Ângelo Taka, "Moza Banco has dedicated a special focus on this segment of companies, through the creation of specific solutions that aim to stimulate their emergence, development and sustainability. It was within this vision and acknowledging the important contribution of the Small and Medium Enterprises Association as an entity that represents the SMEs at a national level, in promoting and defending the interests of all the Small and Medium Entrepreneurs, that we established a Memorandum of Understanding with APME".

Small and medium-sized enterprises represent the largest number of legally registered economic units, however, their contribution in terms of gross domestic product and employment is still relatively low, and they face several challenges at the business environment level, therefore "we have a diversified offer, with tailor-made solutions, where we highlight solutions for the day-to-day management of the company; solutions to meet treasury needs; as well as credit solutions to finance investment needs: whether to create, expand, modernise or develop the activity of companies", added Ângelo Taka.

Moza Banco has the third largest branch network in the country, comprising 64 business units spread throughout the provincial capitals and some districts and towns. It is Moza's ambition to be a preferred bank for SMEs, responding quickly and affirmatively to their requests and demands but, above all, supporting SMEs with innovative financial solutions.

Moza Banco Board Chairman receives award for Inspirational Business Leadership

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, João Figueiredo, was in London on Monday, where he received the trophy and certificate for the African Inspirational Business Leadership Award, recently attributed to him by the pan-African publication.

The ceremony to award the winners of the 2022 edition of the African Business Leadership Awards (ABLA) 2022 was the highlight of the 7th Africa - London 2022 Summit, held in the British capital, with the theme – “Rethinking African Trade and Partnership Possibilities.”

Reacting to the award the Board Chairman highlighted how prestigious the distinction is: This honourable distinction has only taken on a special meaning to the extent that I feel it corresponds to an ambition that has guided my life, which is, to try, together with the teams that have accompanied me, to work towards a better society and, through our example, to motivate others to be like-minded. The award I have just received is also, without doubt, an enormous incentive for Moza Banco, the organisation I have the honour of presiding over, and for its employees in general, and is an encouragement for them to continue working hard, with the rigour, ethics and professionalism that characterise us, so that the Bank may continue to follow this successful trajectory.”

The award for the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Moza Banco was announced last June, in recognition of his exceptional leadership capacity within a context of change.

This is the second time that African Leadership has recognised the Chairman of the Board of Directors at Moza Banco this year, having awarded him the prize for “excellence in business management in Africa” in February.

João Figueiredo congratulated African Leadership Magazine, the sponsor of the African Business Leadership Awards (ABLA) and organiser of this ceremony which brought together distinguished individuals from various spheres on this initiative, as through these distinctions awarded to individuals of recognised merit, it has contributed to promoting excellence in business management, thereby boosting the development of the African continent.

Farmers and disadvantaged children receive support from Moza Banco

Moza Banco proceeded this Tuesday 24th May with its delivery of farming seeds to small farmers associations operating in several districts in Gaza province. The bank also donated sets of sheets and blankets to underprivileged children with physical impairments.

This act aligns with the Bank's Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, which has one of its main focuses on developing activities that contribute to the economic and social progress of the communities where the Bank operates.

From the seeds donated, emphasis was on corn, lettuce, onions, cabbage, soybeans and pigeon peas. The farmers were satisfied with the initiative, “Thank you very much to Moza Banco for this donation, we did not expect it, the seeds we received will help us in our production, not only for family food, but also to sell” Maria Joana said on behalf of the farmers.

Meanwhile, Moza Banco’s CEO, Manuel Soares, said that “Moza Banco sees itself as a Bank of Mozambicans for Mozambicans, and is committed to actively contributing to the country’s inclusive socioeconomic development. It is within this vision and positioning and recognising the Government's commitment to the agricultural sector given the enormous potential in the province, that we are ready to support this sector by offering various seeds to local farmers, namely beans, maize, onions, lettuce and carrots, in order to boost agricultural production. We aim with this support to contribute to promote food self-sufficiency and improve the income generation capacity of these farmers. Also, within the context of our Social Responsibility, and in order to provide greater comfort and protection to our children who are in a situation of vulnerability, we are supporting them with sets of blankets and sheets. We are aware that these simple contributions will not solve definitively the problems of the population and the Province, but we believe that it is an important step towards achieving our common objective: to improve the quality of life of Mozambicans in general”. 

The Secretary of State for Gaza, Amosse Macamo welcomed Moza Banco’s initiative stating that, “This donation is welcome, we believe that it will alleviate the suffering of those who need it. At the moment it is raining and with these seeds we hope to produce again, not only for food security but also to secure income. We are also grateful for the bedding material offered to the crèche. This is a place that we have always paid special attention to because we have orphaned children there who need everything, and with this help they do not feel alone.”


It should be recalled that recently in Nampula, Moza Banco donated various food products to victims of cyclone Gombe and Tropical Storm Ana; in Sofala the bank supported the Mozambican police (PRM) with construction material to improve the infrastructure of the 8th police station in Manga in the city of Beira; in Manica/Niassa, Moza donated medicines to the provincial hospital in Lichinga.